Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Pre Run Fueling

    • What To Eat Pre Run

    • Pre Run Meals & Snacks

  • 3

    Intra Run Fueling

    • What to Eat During the Run

    • Long Run Fuel Template

  • 4

    Post Run Fueling

    • What To Eat Post Run

    • Post Run Meals & Snacks

  • 5

    Bonus Module: Carb Loading 101

    • How to Carb Load & When

    • Carb Load Plan Template & Guide to Race Week

  • 6

    Wrapping Up!

    • Finishing Thoughts & Special Offer

    • End of Course Survey DO NOT SKIP


  • What can I expect to learn in this course?

    This is the course meant to help you fine tune your pre, during, and post run nutrition. You will learn what to eat before your training (and how to adjust this based off what type of training session you are doing), how to fuel during training & long runs, all about hydration & electrolytes, what to eat after your training to help you recover properly, and how to fuel for race day. You will learn how to trouble shoot GI distress on the run, and understand how to adjust your fueling plan to support your goals. If you still want a dietitian to review your race day fuel plan with you after you take the course, there is an offer at the end of the course for you to set up a 1:1 call with me.

  • I am a Masters runner (I'm over 40)- can I take this course?

    Yes absolutely! All ages are welcome & I actually include special considerations for Masters Runners to make sure you are meeting your fueling needs since they may differ slightly from when you were 20 :)

  • I am not a "fast" or "serious" runner- is this course for me?

    All levels of runners and endurance athletes are welcome! Whether you are training for your first 5K or your 50th marathon, the info in here will apply to you.

  • Will this course help me lose weight?

    This course is not meant for intentional weight loss. It teaches you to fuel your body so it can perform its best on race day & give you the ability to get the most out of your training!

  • Will this course teach me how to fuel my day to day needs?

    This course focuses specifically on what to eat before, during, and after your runs. It also covers carb loading for longer races (half marathon, marathon, ultra marathon, triathlons, etc). If you need more support understanding how much you need to be eating daily, how to adjust your nutrition for different seasons of training (building, peak, off season, injury etc), how to meet your vitamin & mineral needs, you should check out my flagship course which covers all of this: The Runner Roadmap Course (

  • Do you offer refunds?

    No, there are no refunds for any products or services rendered at Holley Fueled Nutrition. No exceptions.

  • How long do I get access to the course for?

    For life!